
Bowling Is America’s #1 Participation Activity with over 70 million people bowling each year. Frontier Bowl is dedicated to providing the BEST ENTERTAINMENT VALUE in Cushing, OK. Our bowling alley has 12 modern lanes and we have kid friendly bumper bowling lanes available too.  Whether you’re looking just to bowl a couple games by yourself, an outing with friends and family or you want to join a bowling league, Frontier Bowl is the place to be.

Frontier Bowl

Open Bowling Rates

We DO NOT have any lanes available for open play after 6pm on

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Sunday

Monday  Thru  Thursday   

Before 5:00                        $3.50 Per Game per person

After 5:00                           $4.00 Per Game per person

Shoes                                 $3.50 per person

After 5pm Friday and All Day Saturday & Sunday

$4.50 per game per person

Shoe Rental $3.50 per person

Lane Rental

Monday Thru Thursday

Before 5:00       Ultimate Package $25 Per Hour Per Lane up to 5 people (includes shoes)    

                           Includes Bowlin Hood, Monster Factory, Battle of the lanes YouToons and more


After 5:00          Classic Package $25 Per Hour Per Lane up to 5 people DOES NOT include Shoe Rental                                    Classic scoring with new animations                                       

                          Ultimate Package $30 Per Hour Per Lane up to 5 people DOES NOT include Shoe Rental                                 Includes Bowlin Hood, Monster Factory, Battle of the lanes YouToons and more

Friday & All Day Saturday

                     Ultimate Package $30 Per Hour Per Lane up to 5 people DOES NOT include Shoe Rental

                     Shoe Rental $3.50 per person

                     Includes Bowlin Hood, Monster Factory, Battle of the lanes YouToons and more plus all                           the classic scoring themes

Weekly Specials

Tuesday DollarMania

6:30pm to 9pm

$2 Games

$2 Shoes

$9 Large 1 topping Pizzas

$2.00 Corn Dogs

$2.00 Regular French Fries

$2.00 20oz Drinks

Family Sundays  

1pm to 8pm

Ultimate Family Package $40 per lane up to 5 people max includes shoe rental and 1 large single topping pizza. Addt’l toppings available for $1.75 each

Interactive Games Include Bowlin Hood, Monster Factory, Battle of the lanes YouToons and more plus all the classic scoring themes.

Additional Hour of bowling only $17/lane

Cosmic Bowl

Friday and Saturday Night

7pm to Close

Game Price $4.50/per game per person

Shoes $3.50 per person

Ultimate Package $30 Per Hour Per Lane up to 5 people DOES NOT include Shoe Rental (Shoe rental $3.50 per person)                         

Includes Interactive games Bowlin Hood, Monster Factory, Battle of the lanes YouToons and more plus all the classic scoring themes